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Missions Statement (Credo)
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Missions Statement (Credo)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Ideology - Defined in Webster's dictionary as "a set of doctrines". What you will read now is our Ideology! This is our doctrine. These are the prerequisites to be an associate of ConSys Concrete Corp.

Our Ideology are the words we live by, it makes us who we are, it makes us ConSys Concrete Corp! These are our standards by which this organization will run, simply our principles. As President of CCC it is my responsibility to provide direction for our company. After five years, I have been lead to commit to that direction in writing. By doing so it obligates you and ME to follow a narrow path. A path that stands for integrity, honor and credibility. A path that allows us to fulfill our mission statement:

With the primary purpose of glorifying God first in our family, business, and community, ConSys Concrete Corp. vows to deliver its products in a timely, efficient, cost effective manner with the highest level of quality, integrity and workmanship

If you know me or have worked with me for any period of time you understand equality is my personal constitution. You know I would not ask you to do anything I would not be first in line to do myself. To be an associate of ConSys Concrete Corp. you must adopt this Credo with a spirit of conviction. You have to feel it deep down in your bones, in the pit of your stomach, from the bottom of your heart. You must know and convey to all those around you in and outside of the this organization that these are not suggestions, or if it is convenient we might, sometimes, if possible do these things. This is our "doctrine", this is our spirit, this is our Credo, for we are ConSys Concrete Corp.

ConSys Concrete Corp.

We will deliver a competitively priced product to our customers that meets or exceeds their expectations.

We will view each and every associate as a part of the body striving to function for the betterment of the whole and in doing so provide a safe, respectful and encouraging work place for all.

We will develop and maintain relationships that fuel our quest to be the largest small contractor in the markets we choose to enter. Treat those relationships with respect never taking them for granted.

We will maintain a position as one of the top three producers, volume wise, in our markets.

We will be the best at what we do.

To all I say the following; never compromise this Credo, our Mission Statement, our associates or our customers in pursuit of trivial financial gains. We must make a profit in order to survive, this is understood. However make no mistake, this is not about the money. It is about who we are and what we provide in and outside of our business lives. It is about giving your best and expecting the best from the person next to you. It is about being ConSys Concrete Corp.

God Bless you,

Darold J. Molix - Associate


ConSys Concrete Corp.

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